Volume 26 | No.4 | April 2024

From Evelyn Handel, Outgoing President


It feels like such a short time ago that I was stepping into the role of President to serve ISOPP and continue leading our mission to advance oncology pharmacy care for patients around the world. Building upon the strong foundation previously laid by many dedicated leaders and volunteers, I am very proud of the incredible work that we have achieved in our society and I invite you to read about this in more detail in our new 2023-2024 annual report.

Although the past few years have also not been without challenges, the society has shown resilience in progressing towards our goals and implementing new approaches to benefit our members throughout the world. Our shared common passion to provide the best possible care to oncology patients continues to unite us. Every day is a new opportunity to do our best, and ISOPP is a place where we can be part of a supportive network to learn and grow together.

As we continue to implement our 10-year vision and newly refreshed 3-year strategic plan throughout 2024-2027, we will be focused on supporting the growth of our society and offering a diverse range of programs and resources to support our members. Thank you to the Secretariat, Chairs, Committees and Task Forces, and members for all your engagement and feedback throughout this process – your active participation and contributions are what makes this society thrive and move our impact forwards, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to get to know you and work together.

Another highlight for me this month has been seeing so many friends and colleagues at the ISOPP Australasia Regional Oncology Pharmacy Symposium in Melbourne and at the CAPhO Conference in Moncton, both of which were held in April 2024. Thank you to the organizing committees for putting together such excellent and engaging programs. It is with great excitement that I look forward to the next International Symposium, hosted together by ISOPP and CAPhO on April 3-6, 2025 followed by Masterclasses on April 7, 2025 in beautiful Victoria, Canada.

I am excited and energized for what the future will bring as the presidency transitions to Netty Cracknell and as the society continues to grow. I have truly enjoyed working closely together with Netty over the past year, she is well equipped to lead us in our mission and I have full faith in her abilities and the support of the Secretariat to keep the society moving forwards.

If you’re thinking of becoming more involved in ISOPP, now would be a great time to check out our list of committees and task forces, volunteer to join a group, and help move our initiatives forward. Everyone is welcome!

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter, and I hope to see you online at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 30th!

Evelyn Handel

ISOPP President 2022 to 2024

From Netty Cracknell, Incoming President


Over the last year, Evelyn and I, together with the ISOPP leadership team, have been working closely together to bring to our members the 10-year vision for ISOPP. This is a pivotal piece of work that gives the organisation a long forward thinking plan and set goals. This will over time, be updated and modified, but for now it gives clarity and transparency to our members, supporters and other organisations, in pharmacy, or oncology.  This vision, coupled with the 3 year strategic plan launched this month lays out a clear path for ISOPP, with specific objectives to achieve, all of which feed into or help shape the future for oncology pharmacy globally.


With the first few months of no-fee membership, the society has grown considerably and we have new challenges to face, such as onboarding the numerous volunteers, an incredible and lovely problem to have as an organisation! We have started work on a new ISOPP website, due to be launched later this year which will show improved navigation and communication about our committees and the work that they carry out. I will let you read our annual report, introduced this year, for more information on what each committee has done and have planned for the future. Without the chairs and member volunteers in each committee, ISOPPs work would not be possible and I would like to thank them all for their time and commitment to improve services, education, knowledge, research, communication, engagement, advocacy, governance and more within oncology pharmacy.


As we move into a new year for ISOPP, due to the changes made to the Bylaws, there were no elections in 2023 and our leadership team will remain the same for the term that runs from April 2024-April 2025. With the significant changes that have occurred this year, this is a quiet calm as we then launch into the new strategy for the organisation and continue preparing for our International Symposium in 2025 in Canada with CAPhO. Please mark the dates in your diaries and start securing funding for fees and expenses either through workplace/ pharmaceutical sponsorship or other routes. 


I would like to thank Evelyn for her support and guidance during my president-elect term. I did not know Evelyn well before ISOPP in Spain and I have found she has a silent pillar of strength, this coupled with compassion and a determination to help and improve ISOPP and oncology pharmacy globally was inspirational. I have now adopted many American phrases in my general vocabulary as we meet weekly to ensure ISOPP actions are progressed.


As your new president, I will endeavour to lead the organization for the benefit of all oncology pharmacy practitioners globally. Regardless of race, sexuality, gender, spoken language, place of residence or economic situation, I will try my best to continue to lead ISOPP into an organisation that can help you be the best oncology pharmacy practitioner you can be. 

Netty Cracknell

ISOPP President 2024 - 2026

ISOPP News and Update

ISOPP Educational Needs Assessment Survey    


We are excited to share the results of the educational needs assessment survey that was distributed to ISOPP membership during Dec 2023-Jan 2024. A total of 131 members responded to this survey. The top 5 priority areas for oncology pharmacy education were identified as: 1) Aseptic preparation of anti-cancer therapies, 2) Oncology pharmacy research, 3) Supportive care, 4) Clinical updates for specific tumor types, and 5) ISOPP oncology pharmacy practice standards. 


Thank you to all the responders for your valuable time and suggestions!!

Save the Date for

ISOPP’s Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM)


ISOPP’s 2024 AGM will take place virtually on Tuesday, April 30 at 05:00 PDT (click here for your local time), followed by an educational session.


Please see the Zoom link below for the AGM:




Meeting ID: 913 9882 9249

Passcode: 445341

New ISOPP Education Course


The new course will consist of 24 bite sized videos aimed for pharmacy staff across the globe. There are five modules:

1.    Cancer biology and genetics

2.    Targeted cancer treatments

3.    Introduction to immunotherapy

4.    Immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors

5.    Targeted treatments and immunotherapies for haematological cancers

Join us at the AGM for the official launch followed by an educational session by the content author! Click here: https://www.isopp.org/education-resources/utic for more information.

Educational Presentation by Elaine Vickers


Following the ISOPP AGM on April 30, 2024, Elaine Vickers, PhD will be delivering an educational session on ‘Targeting the 10 Hallmarks of cancer – how far have we got’.



Use the same Zoom link as ISOPP AGM!

Save the date - ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025


Mark your calendars and save the date! The ISOPP CAPhO Symposium is taking place on April 3-7, 2025 in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada! Enhance your practice, collaborate with your national and international colleagues, and join us here.

ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office

Sea to Sky Meeting and Association Management is ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office. We support ISOPP’s volunteer leadership (Secretariat, its Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups), its members and other stakeholders to help achieve ISOPP’s mission to advance oncology pharmacy care for patients around the world. If you have any questions about membership, services, Symposium or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:

Email:  membership@isopp.org

Direct: +1-604-984-6455

Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue 

North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7


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